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Explore "National Park of Shebenik"

Discover the "National Park of Shebenik".

Bicycle Tours Fushe Studen
Stars Fushe Studen.png

Bicycle Tours

Discover the "National Park of Shebenik" while wandering around with a bicycle.


Visit the park on August to see the beauty of stars.


To discover Fushë-Studën and its nature we invite you to learn more on the link below.

Explore "National Park of Shebenik"

Discover the "National Park of Shebenik".

Hiking tours Fushe Studen.png
Traditional Festive days Fushe Stude .png

Hiking Tours

Climb "Guri Peak"
"Katrafili Peak",
"Kallkani Peak",
"Ice Cave".

Traditional Festive Days

Take part in yearly park activities.
21 May Day of "National Park of Shebenik"
23 October "Green Products Fair"

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